Seriously. Mean Girls, making life miserable for girls and women everywhere since... forever! I remember every encounter I had with means girls growing up; from salt in my hair at a slumber party, to rejection on the playground, to the taunts in PE freshman year, and all the name calling in the halls and whispered rumors behind hands, it was all ridiculously petty, and unfortunately it was also more hurtful than I could have imagined. It shouldn't hurt. It shouldn't matter what so-and-so thinks of me. At least, that's what I used to tell myself. But the fact is that it did. A lot. As if every girl doesn't have enough of a struggle trying to find her value in a world of such conflicting expectations--be sexy, but don't be a whore; be educated, but don't be a know-it-all; be a good mother, but make sure you can rule the board room too; make the best treats, soccer mom, and while you're at it, get that second degree too; speak up for what yo...
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." -Antoine Saint-Exupéry