I recently (just yesterday) completed a 10 day cleanse the included fasting and drinking lots of lemonade. And I've come to a whole new love for fasting. It's amazing how going without can change your perspective. Not only now does junk food sound completely unappealing it also hurts my tummy on a new level, as I discovered last night when I had 2.5 bites of my daughters birthday cake. Not a great choice of first foods to eat after not eating for 10 days. Now that I've said no to all food for 10 days, I have a new found priority for what goes into my body. Food is in its rightful place again, as fuel. And I'm thinking I now need to apply this principle to other areas of my life. Other areas that are a little out of control and indulgent. Maybe internet use? Possibly, dare I say it, books? And maybe even certain types of music? I just am feeling like I don't want to waste my life on the unessential, I want to fill myself to the brim with things that will actually enhance my being, enlighten me and help me to become the woman I can be, the woman God knows I have potential to become.
Well, the deadline came and went yesterday. And no, my book is not finished. If it was, I would be shouting it from the rooftops on a megaphone attached to sub-woofers, broadcasting at sonic-boom decibels. Sigh. I have been trying not to be super depressed or down on myself the last few days as I came to realize that I wasn't going to be able to meet my goal and have my work-in-progress completed by September 17th as I had made a pact with my BWFE (best-writing-friend-ever), Becca, that I would. To pull myself out of the dumps and come a terms with how imperfect life is and how plans, even cemented ones, have a way of crumbling into microscopic dust, I have decided to make a list of all my non-accomplishments over the last six weeks and see if I can find a reason why my WIP is yet to be finished. (I must say though, I am uber close, like 2-3 chapters away from the end! I will finish within the next 2 weeks!!) My Non-Accomplishment List In the last six we...