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Things I Sacrifice Sleep For...

Truth Prevails
                                When Hope Prevails

You should all know that means writing.  My kids are too old to blame my few hours of sleep on them.

A good friend and I recently made a pact that we are GOING TO FINISH our WIP's (works-in-progress) in 6 weeks... that was about a week ago, so we have 5 weeks left.  Hold me to it, please!

I have lost a ton of sleep over my WIP the last 2 weeks, but last night, I lost sleep over this:

"What is this?" you say.  This is Spine Poetry.  I found the contest on  So I thought I'd try it.  Here are the rest of what I've been playing with.  Tell me what you think.  I can enter as many times as I'd like, but I want to put in the best entries that I can.  I started to get really frustrated.  I really wanted to go to the library to check out books so I'd have more to work with, but... I decided to do the best I could with my own library.  Not all of them have titles, any ideas?

The Outlander, The Stranger
The Awakening East of Eden

Bitterblue, blood red road
A great and terrible beauty

Clockwork Angel, Rebel Angels
Wings forever catching fire
A great and terrible beauty 
What Shadows Hide
The dark and hallow places
a great and terrible beauty

Bitterblue New Moon
Illusions of
The Immortal Realm

Clockwork Angel
Wing Forever Catching Fire
The Immortal Realm:
Illusions Shiver
Spells Linger
Forever Bitterblue

I can't decide which of these I like better for the title LUST:

Devil's Kiss Catching Fire
Cinder Forever
Blood Red Road
Devil's Kiss Catching Fire
Cinder Forever
The Dark and Hallow Places

I don't know if this
next one counts
as I added in a lot of 
extra words.
The Library
The Secret Garden, a Wrinkle in Time
Where Frog and Toad Together with
Bears on Wheels and Danny and the Dinosaur
And Matilda, Pollyanna and Peter Pan
Tell Me the Secrets
Of the Velveteen Rabbit, and the Sorcerer's Apprentice
And the Giving Tree and the Crippled Lamb
Of the Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Charlotte's Web.
They Call it Courage
And leave me with The Moral Compass. 

I can't decide
which of these two
I like better.
Ordinary Men
Battle Read
American Heroes
Ordinary Men
Battle Ready
The Story of World War II
American Heroes


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