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"Meet My Character" Blog Hop

Thanks to the brilliant C.J. Anaya, I get to introduce you to one of my favorite characters today.  C.J. invited me to be a part of this blog hop and few weeks ago, and, finally, it's my turn.

But before we get to my man Luke, please meet C. J. Anaya.

C. J. Anaya began writing short stories for family and friends when she was thirteen years old. This soon morphed into an extensive project every year during Christmas as a way to create a fun and inexpensive Christmas gift. Now she is the author of “The Healer”.

Ladies and Gents, I've read this book and it is FAN-Freakin-TASTIC!
I recommend it wholeheartedly.

Her passion for reading and writing led her to following her own dreams of becoming a published author. She was born in Utah and raised everywhere else. She even lived a few years in Brazil, enjoying the people, the culture and learning the beautiful language of Portuguese; a language she is still fluent in to this day. As a result of her exposure to varying peoples and cultures, her interests became varied as well.
As a mother of four children she is now a singer and a songwriter, a baker and a cake decorator, a dancer and a choreographer, a girl with a degree in Criminal Justice and a first time published author of YA paranormal romance and fantasy. She is also married to the most deliciously, handsome looking Latino. As always, she has plenty to write about.

You can read her Character Interview on her blog at
 Or visit her at:

Now it's my turn!

World, meet Luke.

What is the name of your character? 
Lucas Hunter. He goes by Luke. Also, in another time and in another place, he was known as Lancelot.

Is he fictional or a historic person? 
Depends on how you look at him. Some would argue that he is a historical figure. Many more would say Lancelot is merely legend. Sadly, there is no definitive proof of Camelot, King Arthur or his Knights of the Round Table. And in this story, this version of his character is fictional, so… I’ll let you decide if Luke is fiction or legend.

When and where is the story set?
This story is in modern day Alaska, but also through memories and flashbacks, in Camelot and King Arthur’s court.

What should we know about him?
Luke is from the realm of heroes called I Am. This is the life he has chosen, but not necessarily for the same reason(s) all the other heroes did. Luke’s in it for the girl.

What is the main conflict? 
Faeries and world domination. At least, that’s what Luke is supposed to be there for. He, however, is circling a very familiar conflict that involves a certain young woman... Ehem, love triangle, anyone? Perhaps, though, the biggest conflict for Luke is internal: his desire and his conscience.

What messes up his life? 
The minute Dee Scott (or possibly someone from a past life) walks into McKinley High, Luke’s world begins to spiral. And, of course, his best friend Dane has his eyes set on her too. As if his life wasn’t already slightly screwed up from his parent’s ugly divorce and his mom’s recent remarriage to a staunch military man that Luke cannot seem to get along with.

What is the personal goal of the character? 
To get the girl. Though he's a loyal friend and an avid defender/protector too and he’s all about saving the world, at the end of the day, it’s all about the one, her. He can’t help it if she’s all he’s thought about for over six thousand years. I mean, give the guy a break already.

Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it? 
The title for this novel is actually, I Am: Guinevere. And even though, Luke/Lancelot's name isn’t in the title, he still has a huge role in this story.

When can we expect the book to be published?
I’m currently working on the rewrite and, my hope is that it will be ready for publication early 2015.

Check out my other blog, Beneath the Paper for a snippet of the book from Luke's perspective. And click here if you want to read a love letter written by Lancelot. Also if you'd like to read more snippets and character information about this book, please click here and here.

Next on the "Meet My Character" Blog Hop:

Meet these fabulous author's and their characters next 
Monday, September 15th.

Tracy Winegar  
Tracy Winegar was born and raised in Muncie, Indiana, the third of eight children. After high school graduation she moved to Provo, Utah, where she met and married her husband of ten years, Ben. Together they reside in Northern Utah, with their four children, Brynlee, Lucas, Hayden, and Lydia. Tracy is a strong supporter of programs for children with autism. She served on the Board of Trustees and was instrumental in helping open the first non-tuition school for autistic children in Utah. Her favorite nonprofit organization is the Northern Utah Autism Program, where both of her boys attended preschool. A portion of her profit from the sales of this book will be given to this charity.

In her own words, "By day, a school librarian. By night, a wife and mother. But in those quiet moments that are only mine, I write..."

You'll be able to check out Tracy's character on her website:

Mellie George
In her own words, "I am a true blue Indiana girl, and I've been married since 2003 and we have 3 beautiful daughters. In addition to being a self published indie author I am also a hairstylist and love my day job! I LOVE to write and I am a total book addict and I read as much as I can. In addition to Say Yes (Glenbrook Girls Series), I also have published Back To Life, and currently have the Bad Blooded Series available in ebook and paperback formats."

You'll be able to check out Mellie's character on her FB page:

Misty Dawn Pulsipher  
Misty Dawn Pulsipher was born and raised in Utah. She attended Snow College where she developed a love for writing. Misty served as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Washington, D.C. area. She and her husband now reside in Maryland with their three children, two dogs, and the colony of squirrels that lives in their back yard. When she's not writing or procrastinating an edit, Misty is reading, baking, sewing, playing the piano, or bribing her family to play Monopoly with her. 

You'll be able to check out Misty's character on her author blog:



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