I recently (just yesterday) completed a 10 day cleanse the included fasting and drinking lots of lemonade. And I've come to a whole new love for fasting. It's amazing how going without can change your perspective. Not only now does junk food sound completely unappealing it also hurts my tummy on a new level, as I discovered last night when I had 2.5 bites of my daughters birthday cake. Not a great choice of first foods to eat after not eating for 10 days. Now that I've said no to all food for 10 days, I have a new found priority for what goes into my body. Food is in its rightful place again, as fuel. And I'm thinking I now need to apply this principle to other areas of my life. Other areas that are a little out of control and indulgent. Maybe internet use? Possibly, dare I say it, books? And maybe even certain types of music? I just am feeling like I don't want to waste my life on the unessential, I want to fill myself to the brim with things that will ...
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." -Antoine Saint-Exupéry